Balloons don't float when first inflated 

Treated balloons should float straight up when first inflated. If your balloon does not float straight up or leans to one side, then you either have too much HI-FLOAT in the balloon or not enough helium. 

Check to make sure you are using the correct restriction clip on the pump and that you're not using a helium/air mixture to fill the balloon. 

Make sure the balloon is fully inflated. The balloon should be inflated until it begins to become pear shaped. Some people first inflate their balloons with air to stretch them. They then inflate them with helium. This allows the balloon to be inflated to a larger size. 

If the balloons still do not float well initially, then either don't push the pump down all the way or switch to the next longer size restriction clip. This will reduce the amount of HI-FLOAT injected into the balloon. However, it will also give less floating life. 

Your balloons will get more buoyant as the HI-FLOAT dries. When completely dry, the balloon will float with nearly the same upward force as an untreated balloon. 

Balloons don't float very long

Use ULTRA HI-FLOAT. It gives twice the floating life as SUPER HI-FLOAT.

Add the correct recommended amount of HI-FLOAT. Adding less will shorten the floating life. See the table below for the correct pump restriction clip.

Balloon SizeSuper HI-FLOAT     ULTRA HI-FLOAT  
11 inches blue clip  white clip
14 inches yellow    strokes white  
16 inches green     yellow 

Keep the balloons indoors. Exposure to direct sunlight will dramatically shorten floating times.

Keep the balloons indoors between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit to speed the drying time of HI-FLOAT inside the balloon. In hot weather be sure to run the air-conditioner and in cold weather be sure to run the heater. HI-FLOAT does not begin to hold in Helium until it dries inside the balloon.

In rainy weather you must run the air-conditioner or heater. High humidity will dramatically shorten floating times.

Do not place balloons in a hot car. Run the air-conditioner first.

Hand tie the balloons. Disks or clips do not seal well and allow Helium to escape. 

Reducing splatter inside balloons

When using HI-FLOAT in clear or transparent balloons, some uneven runs of liquid may be visible initially. These will gradually disappear as the coating dries. 

This splatter can be minimized in a number of ways. Use ULTRA HI-FLOAT. Since you use less, it will be less visible. Try inflating the balloon more slowly with the helium nozzle pointed in a downward direction. Also, when rubbing the balloon to spread the coating, rub gently to avoid working bubbles into the liquid. 

If the HI-FLOAT is very old and has begun to get thick and stringy (gel ) it will be more visible inside the balloon. This gel can be re-dissolved by heating.

HI-FLOAT or SUPER HI-FLOAT “beads up” inside balloon

HI-FLOAT and SUPER HI-FLOAT work well on all major brands of latex balloons. 

However, occasionally we find a balloon which has an oil coating that interferes with the HI-FLOAT wetting the inside of the balloon. When this happens the HI-FLOAT or SUPER HI-FLOAT “beads up” similar to water on a freshly waxed car. In this case treatment gives very little increase in floating life. 

Use ULTRA HI-FLOAT with these balloons and you should not have this problem.

Haze on inside of balloon

Shortly after inflating a balloon you may notice a haze or cloudiness on the inside of the balloon. (Oxidation occurs on the outside of the balloon.) 

This may be caused by adding less than the full recommended amount of HI-FLOAT. Make sure you are using the correct colored clip for that size balloon.

Balloon SizeSuper HI-FLOAT     ULTRA HI-FLOAT  
11 inches blue clip  white clip
14 inches yellow    strokes white  
16 inches green     yellow 

Product discolors in the bottle (mold)

A dark green mold can grow on the surface of HI-FLOAT in a bottle which has been opened for several months. This is very similar to the mold which grows on bread. 

If this happens scoop off and discard the discolored material. Quickly use the remainder of the bottle. 

Do not pour the small amount left in an old bottle into a new bottle since this can seed the new bottle with mold. Wash off the pump when transferring to a new bottle. 

If mold is a recurring problem in your area, purchase HI-FLOAT in the smaller size bottles since it will be used more quickly.

Product gets too thick to pump (gel)

Normally HI-FLOAT has the consistency of honey. However, with excessive age it can begin to gel and get very thick and lumpy. 

ULTRA HI-FLOAT may begin to gel if it has been frozen. 

If your product becomes too thick to pump, it can be re-dissolved in one of the following ways: 

(1) Remove the cap and heat in a microwave until hot but not boiling. Stir after removing from microwave, or 

(2) Pour HI-FLOAT into a double boiler and heat on a stove, or 

(3) Remove the pump or cap and place in a pan of water as shown below. Boil the water in the pan for about two hours. This will heat liquid sufficiently to dissolve any gel. 

HI-FLOAT is on an object and needs to be cleaned

Allow adequate drying time for balloons to avoid cleanup jobs. We recommend using ULTRA HI-FLOAT since there is less mess. We also recommend allowing balloons to dry for a couple of hours before giving them to customers.

HI-FLOAT is completely soluble in water, even after it has dried. It dissolves much quicker in hot water. 

On nonporous surfaces such as counter tops, allow spilled liquid to dry then simply peel it up and discard. 

On machine washable fabrics wash in warm or hot water if possible. Presoak a few hours if the HI-FLOAT has completely dried. 

For dry cleaning, you must inform the cleaner that the spot is soluble in water and/or steam. 

On upholstered fabrics the HI-FLOAT can be removed by dipping a toothbrush into a cup of hot water and rubbing the spot to soften it. Then blot with a dry towel. Repeat wetting and blotting several times as necessary. After drying, if any trace remains, repeat the procedure. Brush felted fabrics to restore nap. 

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Ribbon RacksBalloon Seal & ClipsAluminum Helium CylinderCustom Balloon PrintingBalloon Weights
Hi FLoatBalloon Drop BagBalloon Transport BagBalloon AccessoriesCylinder Covers

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